一本基本的 recipe book,會有著製成品的照片,材料的清單,製作的步驟。
Recipe book 如果跟 art and design 結合會是怎樣的呢?
IKEA 的 “Homemade Is The Best" 就是答案吧!
Carl Kleiner 操刀的照片把材料清單變成了 graphic design 般的作品,
Images from http://www.carlkleiner.com/
Video tutorial 都十分出色!!!!!!!!
Ikea - Art of cooking - Master flip from Carl Kleiner on Vimeo.
文: Jayme Fung
Jayme Fung: Recently finished her Visual Arts degree at the Hong Kong Baptist University, focusing on the things she loves at this moment. Updating her street fashion blog, drawing illustration, working on interesting graphic design projects...
Jayme Fung: Recently finished her Visual Arts degree at the Hong Kong Baptist University, focusing on the things she loves at this moment. Updating her street fashion blog, drawing illustration, working on interesting graphic design projects...